70th Annual Congress of JSOG
We would like to thank you to everyone who attended The 70th Annual Congress of the Japan Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology. We look forward to seeing you next year.
Invitation Movie from 70th Annual Congress

We are very pleased and honored to invite you to the 70th Anniversary Annual Congress of the Japan Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology (JSOG) in Sendai from 11th (Fri) to 13th (Sun) May in 2018.
Sendai is the birth place of the JSOG annual congress...
Dates;May11 (Fri)-13 (Sun), 2018/Venue;Sendai International Center, Tohoku University Centennial Hall (Kawauchi Hagi Hall)/Congress President;Nobuo YAEGASHI M.D., Ph.D. (Tohoku University)/REGISTRATION FEE;Overseas participants who qualify for the International session are...
Overseas participants are welcome to join all scientific sessions during the Congress....
Participants who are interested in submitting an abstract are requested to access this official website and submit your abstract through the abstract submission system. Abstract Submission Period; August 1 (Tue) - 12:00 PM September 26 (Tue), 2017 ...
JSOG Congress Award Candidate(AC)/J-K-T Young Doctors Session(JKT)/International Session Workshop(WS)/International Session Poster
Please note; on the last day of the congress (Sunday, May 13), the Sendai International Half-marathon Race will be held in Sendai city.Hotel reservation for the night before (Saturday, May 12) can be difficult to make due to this.We recommend you to make your hotel reservation in good time.